Three Billy Goats not so Gruff

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In July 2019 we welcomed three new animals to life on the farm. There were some goats looking for a new home as their current owners were being forced to relocate. 

So, as soon as the school holidays started we all hit the road down to Boconnoc to meet the goats. The plan was to get 2 new goats to keep the old boy Piran company. 

All the goats we met were real characters, and we chose two new white goats. Then as we came to leave we made an impulsive decision and got a third as well, as we had all fallen in love with the little troublemaker, as he was such beautiful colours and so cheeky!

We had much discussion with the kids on the way back as to what the new names for the goats should be. We wanted something Cornish, and they were all boys. After running though lots of great (and some silly) options, we settled on Arthur, Merlin and Lancelot, Lance for short.  

We were very smug about how, after months of adding to and tweaking the fencing, the field on the farm where Piran lives was finally goat proof. We drove in and the goats leapt out keen to check out their new surroundings. 

Piran was immediately on high alert and came down to show them who was the boss. He is quite a large goat and the new goats are a couple of years old so much smaller at the moment. Piran sniffed the new arrivals and head butted them in a gently assertive way. One of the ewes who also share the field came charging down and stamped her foot at Arthur, Merlin and Lance. The new boys were happy exploring and making themselves at home. 

The most noticeable thing about the new goats is that they are in no way gruff. They are the friendliest goats we have ever seen. They are so used to people and love interacting with them. They are extremely chatty goats. 

We were just congratulating ourselves on a job well done, and putting on the kettle, when Merlin came charging down into the courtyard to find us. Hmmm. So we put him back. It was a hot day so we got changed ready to have a swim, and went over to the pool. Can you guess who was in the drive? Yup, Merlin.  He does not have horns like all the others which seems to mean he can get through the wiring easily.

We then spent an hour adding a new line of wiring across the field to stop the smaller goats escaping, and thought phew job done. Time to have that swim to celebrate. Oh no, that’s right, Merlin had escaped again. He really is a magican. A few cable ties later, and the field was secure, this time for good. Maybe. We hope. 

Piran is slowing making friends with Arthur, Merlin and Lance and they’ve not recently escaped, but watch this space. The goats all look forward to meeting you.